
Elevating Meehan Formulations' Digital Presence with High-Quality Photography

Blake Wisz
September 12, 2024

Visual appeal is no longer optional—it’s a strategic necessity. A brand’s visual representation significantly influences customer perception, engagement, and purchasing decisions. This was the case for Meehan Formulations, a premium supplement manufacturer known for science-backed products aimed at enhancing health and wellness. Despite their product quality and strong reputation, Meehan Formulations’ online presence was ready for a refresh, with visuals that would communicate their premium positioning and trusted products.

Recognizing the need for an upgrade, Meehan Formulations reached out during a website refresh, with a focus on using high-quality photography to bring their product line to life and boost their digital experience. The results were transformative—not just visually, but also in terms of engagement and conversions they could drive through their ads for a unified campaign.

About Meehan Formulations

Meehan Formulations is a leader in the health and wellness space, offering supplements designed to address key health concerns such as immune support, cognitive enhancement, and overall well-being. For over 30 years, Kevin Meehan, NCCAOM, LA.c, NCCA, founder of Teton Valley Health Clinic, has focused on guiding patients toward better health. Using decades of expertise, the clinic offers practical, long-term solutions that align with the body’s natural healing abilities.

By identifying the root causes of symptoms, Meehan and his team provide personalized care, whether through treatments at the clinic or Meehan Formulations’ supplements, tailored to each patient’s unique needs. They even extended their offerings with pet supplements that help owners improve overall wellness of their furry friends.

The Importance of Visual Storytelling in eCommerce

Visual storytelling has become a critical factor in eCommerce success. According to research from Shopify, 93% of consumers cite visual content as a key decision-making factor in their purchases. Additionally, high-quality product photography can lead to a 40% increase in conversion rates, as highlighted in an Adobe survey from 2024. These statistics illustrate that consumers no longer simply look at product images—they engage emotionally with the visuals, which can make or break a sale. Meehan Formulations recognized this trend and sought to elevate their digital presence with a photography overhaul.

The Challenge: Refreshing the Brand’s Visuals

Meehan Formulations was aware of their need for a fresh, modern visual identity. Their previous product photography was functional their team knew they could elevate even more how they showcased their supplements online. More critically, the website lacked updated and engaging lifestyle photography that allows customers to visualize how the products fit into their daily lives. Without these compelling visuals, customers can often gloss over the actual impact of the products and how they look and feel in the real world.

Our challenge was clear: We needed to create a complete photographic overhaul that would not only showcase the products but also reflect the brand’s commitment to health, science, and wellness. While capturing their teams vision.

The Solution: A Focus on High-Quality Photography

1. Product Photography

Our first objective was to modernize Meehan Formulations’ product photography. We conducted a series of high-resolution product shots in a controlled studio environment to highlight the premium nature of the products. By focusing on clean, crisp visuals, we captured the finer details of the supplements—from capsule color to the sleekness of the packaging. This meticulous attention to detail ensured that the images could be used consistently across all platforms—eCommerce, marketing materials, and social media.

To enhance product storytelling, we created imagery that connected the supplements with their ingredients, emphasizing the science and quality behind each formulation. This strengthened the brand’s image as a scientifically-backed, premium product offering.

2. Lifestyle Photography

Next, we shifted our focus to lifestyle photography. Research has shown that lifestyle images increase engagement by 67%, as customers can better envision how products fit into their lives. By capturing people using Meehan’s supplements in realistic, everyday settings—whether starting their morning or incorporating supplements into a fitness routine—we made the products relatable and essential to their daily health rituals.

These images not only showcased the product but also told a story of health, wellness, and balance. This emotional connection is critical for eCommerce, as it builds trust and encourages consumers to imagine themselves using the products.

3. Technical Precision

In addition to creating visually stunning images, we also focused on optimizing the technical performance of the photographs. In today’s digital-first world, speed and image optimization are crucial. According to Google, websites that take longer than 3 seconds to load see a 32% increase in bounce rates. To combat this, we ensured that all images were optimized for fast load times without sacrificing quality, improving both user experience and SEO performance. We provided Meehans team with images that could be blown up on the screens of Times Square or on a mobile device in someones hand.

The Outcome: Driving Engagement and Conversions

Once the new photography was integrated into Meehan Formulations’ refreshed website, the impact is generally immediate. Analytics show that new visuals contribute to a lower bounce rate and an increase in time-on-site, two key metrics that directly influence eCommerce success. Additionally, Shopify’s 2024 eCommerce Trends Report confirms that “the combination of high-quality product images and lifestyle visuals can lead to an average uplift of 24% in conversion rates.” Meehan’s case was is exception.

Customers began engaging more with the product pages, spending more time browsing and ultimately converting at higher rates. The seamless integration of professional imagery not only enhanced the site’s overall look and feel but also built trust, encouraging users to make purchases. Meehan was also able to integrate these images into their ad campaigns creating alignment from ad to website—which marketers know can increase trust and conversions.

The Broader Impact: Aligning Brand Identity with Visuals

The photography refresh was more than a simple website update—it represented a shift in how Meehan Formulations presented themselves to the world. By investing in high-quality imagery, they aligned their digital presence with the quality and integrity of their products. This consistency between brand values and visual representation strengthened their position in the health and wellness market.

As a result, Meehan was able to extend these visuals across various marketing channels, from social media campaigns to newsletters, creating a cohesive brand experience that improved both customer satisfaction and brand awareness.

The Power of Visual Content in eCommerce

High-quality photography is more than just an aesthetic choice—it’s a powerful tool for driving engagement, building trust, and boosting conversions. Meehan Formulations’ journey illustrates how investing in professional visuals can elevate a brand’s digital presence and overall strategy. By combining product and lifestyle photography, they not only modernized their online experience but also solidified their position in the competitive wellness market.

As more consumers rely on online shopping for health and wellness products, brands that prioritize top-tier visual content will undoubtedly stand out. Meehan Formulations has set a powerful example of how strategic imagery can transform a brand’s digital presence, resulting in long-term success.

Contact Chasing Creative to get a free quote and audit of your product images.

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