
Case Study: Learn how Flxpoint Scaled 2-3X Social Engagement

Chasing Creative News
April 30, 2024


Flxpoint is not one of those “it’s nice to have” ecommerce apps—its fulfillment automation technology and integrations sit at the center of massive players (suppliers and merchants)  in the space like Kenneth Cole, Jessica Simpson, Sportsman's Warehouse, Stetson, and many more. Giving merchants a hub for product listings, shipping, and even accounting integrations. 

Over the past few years Flxpoint has grown at an impressive rate. Passing 2M ARR in a matter of the first few years of launching. They captured lighting in a bottle solving the problems and headaches merchants had to find new suppliers—and suppliers merchants. Through their top notch customer service and product they continue to scale across over 200+ integration partners. Robust dropshippers from around the world entrust thousands of their SKUs to Flxpoint to connect to whatever they need across digital and logistic landscapes. 

Here is a quick overview their team made launching FLX Lite.


Flxpoint continues to roll out new product features and bring on new customers. And they found themselves asking how can we share the stories of entrepreneurs, world class dropshippers, and suppliers to help others with their business? I caught up with Travis Mariea, CEO of Flxpoint who said, “We wanted to share the stories of the small businesses we helped grow and inspire other merchants to get out there and compete with the big guys”. 

This led the team to want to ship something new across their channels where customers and suppliers would be highlighted, new trends discovered, and inside industry knowledge shared… but doing this with the current team alone.. would be a challenge. Day-to-day Flxpoint has its lead generation humming and sales pipeline full but what they were missing is fresh video content that could show the results of using a platform like Flxpoint—the other half of product marketing many SaaS brands overlook.  

As they launched a fresh UI/UX experience for customers called “FLX Lite” (a streamlined but powerful version of their enterprise offering) they were looking for modern ways to garner attention, drive conversation, and engage with their customers. 


Creating a plan

The team at Flxpoint knew they needed to invest in more organic style content. Having done content in the past like podcasts, video, and blogs they understood the impact these evergreen content pieces can make overtime for brand marketing and SEO. But they needed someone to help steer the rudders while building out a new content flow for their SaaS business. With Chasing Creative they were able to develop a three month plan that would hit the goals of driving more social engagement across their existing channels. 

Chasing Creative was able to work directly with their leadership team to craft a new series called “Building Flxpoint in Public” where Blake Wisz, the Founder of Chasing Creative interviews and records the founder story of Flxpoint. Bi-weekly meetings chatting about the business with Travis turned into hours of long form content that could be repurposed and used across channels. 

Episode "The Early Years Unveiled" with Blake Wisz, Founder of Chasing Creative (left) and Travis Mariea, CEO of Flxpoint (right)

In tandem, Chasing Creative helped reboot their podcast called the Modern Merchant with a new process for distribution and best practices in posting. Harnessing powerful customer and partner relationships to develop engaging content. 

Lastly, the team at Chasing Creative was able to build out a content calendar for Flxpoint with weekly postings and real-time updates on progress of tasks and content in the pipeline over Slack. 


Flxpoint was able to inject new life into their YouTube channel with over 125+ pieces of new content in less than three months time. The result was new organic reach via long-format and YouTube shorts. Content that not only educates about the Flxpoint product but best practices from dropshipping gurus around the world. 

Now, Flxpoint has a playbook for reaching out to their customers and partners to deliver high quality content every single week. While the goal was education and engagement they saw a rise over 90 days time of 2-3x across channels like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 

From here we’ve already heard reports from their sales team that content provides value for their sales motion and that engaging with partners, customers, and suppliers emboldens the existing relationships they have. The end result is that each of these stakeholders now also has content to share about their brand and products. A key learning is that content doesn’t have to be difficult—it needs to be consistent in today's world of social selling, lead generation, and customer retention. 

About Chasing Creative: 

​​Focusing primarily on content development, distribution, and the creation of dynamic Webflow websites, Chasing Creative caters to the unique needs of Small to Medium-sized businesses looking to enhance their digital presence and drive growth.

Some Tools Used on Project:, Opus Clip, ChatGPT, HubSpot, and Google Suite.

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