
Boost Your Brand: How to Grow Your LinkedIn Company Page

Blake Wisz
February 13, 2024

Grow Your LinkedIn Company Page with This Manual Tactic

Hey friends, I'm Blake from the digital agency Chasing Creative, and today I want to share one helpful tactic you can use to grow your LinkedIn company page. This isn't about creating a viral post or using AI, but rather a simple manual process.

The Admin Credits Technique

As a page admin, you get 250 credits per month to invite connections to like your page. I recommend getting your whole team involved - when multiple people utilize their credits each month, it can add up to thousands of invites.

Here's how it works: Go to your company page and click "Invite Connections" in the top right. Search for relevant connections by name, location, company, industry, school, etc. and invite them to like your page with one click. Focus on people likely to convert to customers.

Consistent Incremental Growth

While a single invite may not seem like much, the compounding effect over time leads to significant growth. For my agency's page, this tactic plus a few others have driven 1 new follower per day on average.

So give this easy and perpetual LinkedIn growth tactic a try! Get your full team onboard inviting connections each month, and watch your company page grow consistently.

Thumbnail Photo Credit: Alexander Shatov

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